Al-Rameh for Trading and Marketing Company INC. was founded in 2004 with two branched in (Jordan & United State Of America ) and has many achievements and projects in Iraq in the specialty of pipes, pumps, generators, excavators, has implemented several projects, including (Supply, installation and operation of generators in Ishaqi and Basra processing of solar-powered pumps – generators company spearman) and still has some projects under implementation such as Draft excavators Glosses to the Mosul Dam .

Al-Rameh company has got in the past few days on a set of permits and The authorizations of the international companies in many areas such as Drilling rigs, pipelines, pumping equipment and heavy irrigation Equipment’s, and other heavy equipment to check the steps of the Continued success in the framework of the crew who is the coach of Training on the above-level of technical scientific and technological World and in all branches of the company and the interests of their Creativity and superior in their work and would like to learn the Al- Rameh company Distinguished visitors to the site that are become one of The pioneers in the field of work in Iraq, especially large-scale projects And our work is the evidence for that .